Tables Turned

 Let’s start out envisioning a beautiful wedding scene set in the 1700s. The architecture is lovely! Everything is so elegant. The man and woman are getting ready to embark on this new journey. The man will have another person to take care of. He will no longer just have to worry about feeding himself. He will have her to look after too. Soon he might begin having children and he will need to take care of them too. 

Let’s take a closer look, however, into the changes that are about to happen for the woman. She is about to leave her family and be under the complete control of her new husband. She will have to submit to his will. When she has children they are his. Often women back then were thought of as more of an ornament and a child bearer and less as an individual. They had no legal rights and were considered the property of the men.

So naturally, as time has gone on, women have grown more and more impatient for change. They have become discontent with being expected to obey all men. They have become increasingly independent. With the Suffragette movement, women fought for the right to vote and got it. Increasing numbers of women have gone to college, pursued education, and landed very successful careers, just like the men. This equalization of the sexes is a very good thing. And it’s about time it happened too. Most of the time throughout world history women have been thought of as the inferior sex. It was necessary for people to realize that women are just as essential as men are for producing a thriving society. That is not in question.

But when is enough enough? When will women be happy with the progress that has been made?

Too often women not only have a desire to be equal to men, but perhaps, subconsciously, exhibit behaviors that seem to indicate a desire to be even greater. Our society has found itself in a time when we are trying to right the wrongs of the past by creating new wrongs. We degrade men to lift up women. It is basically history in reverse.

Our culture is a “yes dear” culture. How many times have you heard men say that phrase?  Whether they are joking in a speech they are presenting or giving advice to a newly married man, it reflects this new culture of men submitting to women which is equally as pitiful as women submitting to men. 

As a young single adult when I would go on dates I found that men were less and less likely to open the door for me. When I inquired about it, several of the young men I would go out with responded with, “Whenever I try to open the door for someone I go on a date with, they always get mad at me. They say they can open the doors by themselves.” 

Of course they can! That is not in question! Most people can open the door by themselves. But because we are so worried about equalizing the sexes, a lot of gentility is lost. 

Another problem with this toxic feminist mentality is that in an attempt to prove themselves equal to men, women have lost sensitivity and grace. They have become hardened and corse. 

Yes, the sexes need to be equalized. However, equalizing the sexes does not mean changing one to be like the other. We are different. We respond differently to different things. But that is not a bad thing! In fact it’s necessary. Men and women complete each other both in the home and in society. We need each other to balance each other out. 

We need both sexes in order for our society to thrive. So, let’s do everything in our power to promote the correct unity and equality for the sexes.


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